Virtual Elements

Position a floating element relative to a custom reference area, useful for context menus, range selections, following the cursor, and more.


A virtual element must implement the VirtualElement trait.

pub trait VirtualElement<Element>: Clone + PartialEq {
    fn get_bounding_client_rect(&self) -> ClientRectObject;

    fn get_client_rects(&self) -> Option<Vec<ClientRectObject>>;

    fn context_element(&self) -> Option<Element>;

A default implementation called DefaultVirtualElement is provided for convience.

let virtual_el: Box<dyn VirtualElement<Element>> = Box::new(
compute_position(virtual_el.into(), floating_el, ComputePositionConfig::new(platform))


The most basic virtual element is a plain object that has a get_bounding_client_rect method, which mimics a real element's one:

// A virtual element that is 20 x 20 px starting from (0, 0)
let virtual_el: Box<dyn VirtualElement<Element>> = Box::new(
    DefaultVirtualElement::new(Rc::new(|| {
        ClientRectObject {
            x: 0.0,
            y: 0.0,
            top: 0.0,
            left: 0.0,
            bottom: 20.0,
            right: 20.0,
            width: 20.0,
            height: 20.0,


This option is useful if your get_bounding_client_rect method is derived from a real element, to ensure clipping and position update detection works as expected.

let virtual_el: Box<dyn VirtualElement<Element>> = Box::new(
                .expext("Window should exist.")
                .expect("Document should exist.")
                .expect("Document should be queried.")
                .expect("Element should exist."),


This option is useful when using range selections and the Inline middleware.

let virtual_el: Box<dyn VirtualElement<Element>> = Box::new(
    DefaultVirtualElement::new(|| range.get_bounding_client_rect().into())
        .get_client_rects(|| ClientRectObject::from_dom_rect_list(
            range.get_client_rects().expect("Range should have client rects."),

See Also